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I'm Niccolò. My journey in this world has deep family roots, a sort of inheritance I felt since I was a child. Growing up, I gradually realized that I often and spontaneously operated in this realm, so I decided to give tangible and structured form to this significant part of my life. The journey began attending the Artistic High School in Florence, then moving to London where I graduated as a sound technician from the London School of Sound. Subsequently, back in Florence, I attended the Nemo Academy to obtain a certificate in filmmaking.

My academic path continued at the University of Florence, where I started studies in computer science, but life led me towards a different professional path. Currently, I am a student at ASPIC, engaged in the study of corporate counseling. This multidisciplinary journey has shaped my unique approach, integrating technology, audiovisual art, and now the human aspect of counseling in the corporate world.



30€ / 50€

Tarot interpretation provides insights and answers regarding life, relationships, future decisions, and personal matters. Many see it as a tool for personal growth and reflection. During the reading, cards are laid out in specific configurations, interpreting symbols and positions. The Major Arcana represent broader themes, while the Minor Arcana reflect practical aspects. It does not predict deterministically but creates space for reflection and intimate exploration, accessible through intuition, helpful for navigating complex situations.

30min / 1h



30€ - 50€

Numerology is the study of numbers as energetic symbols, attributing meaning to names and birthdates. It uses numerical conversion to provide insights into personality and destiny. It serves as a tool for self-exploration, revealing unique information about individual life. Applied to events or decisions, it offers a symbolic approach to understanding daily life.

30min  1h




A color test can be used to unblock or rebalance the chakras, the body's energy centers. Each chakra is associated with a specific color, and the test assesses your preference or aversion to certain colors. Through this analysis, the aim is to identify any energy imbalances or blocks in the chakras.

The goal is to understand which areas of your life might require greater energy rebalancing.





Purification rituals for environments and individuals are spiritual practices aimed at eliminating negative energies. For environments, the use of sacred herbs' smoke, such as sage or palo santo, is common. For individuals, objects like feathers or crystals may be passed through the energy field. Positive intentions and awareness are essential.





Guided visualizations are practices that involve creating detailed mental images. These visualizations can vary but often involve imagining relaxing environments, positive scenarios, or healing processes. They are used to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and foster a positive mental outlook to enhance overall well-being.





Propitiatory rites are ceremonies or practices performed with the aim of obtaining favors or blessings from higher forces or spiritual entities. They often involve symbolic gestures, offerings, prayers, or specific rituals intended to create a positive connection with the divine or influence events in one's favor. These rites are practiced in various cultures and traditions, offering a way to connect with the sacred and seek help or protection.




Variable price

Talismans are objects considered to bear magical or beneficial powers. They are often jewelry, stones, or other items worn or kept close to a person. Talismans are believed to have protective or auspicious properties and are thought to positively influence the life of the possessor. These objects are often imbued with symbolic and cultural meanings, and their effectiveness is tied to the faith and belief of the individual using them.

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