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Navigating the Unlikely Journey of Human Emotion

The journey of life is often unpredictable, a river winding through the twists of chance, taking us to places we never imagined we'd explore. The past few years of my existence have led me to consider this inevitable truth: nothing is ever what it seems, and by assigning ever-evolving meanings to familiar things, we grant ourselves the opportunity to leave the known for the uncharted.

It's precisely in this unfamiliar world that we discover new possibilities, and in the unknown, we find hope. When the unknown unfolds as truth rather than mere possibility, my positive energy is carried away by a system that once motivated me to fight, resist, and wait.

We live in a world that often questions the value of emotions. We are constantly reminded that emotions are less important than rationality, that they are childish, irresponsible, and dangerous. We are taught to ignore them, control them, or deny them. We barely understand what they are, where they come from, or how they can sometimes understand us better than we understand ourselves. But I know that emotions matter.

Emotions can be small, like raindrops on a window, or infinite, like the universe itself. And if you're lucky, incredibly lucky, an emotion can emerge capable of changing everything.

I remember that emotion, how it upheaved my existence, and I trust it more than I ever have with anything else in my life. The awareness of losing moments that could remain etched forever within me hurts, like a cut on the back.

I've vowed not to waste a single opportunity to savor life with all my being, to smile with all my thirty-two teeth, to take big bites out of the beauty of the world. But this cut, this weight of the past, often steals my smile, my energy to think and act.

Yet, in these moments of darkness, I remind myself of a promise: "Remember to be happy." Despite everything, in this rugged navigation through the unknown, I seek happiness as a guiding star in the night. Because, in the end, it's what remains when everything else fades away. Happiness is our anchor in a stormy sea, the light that illuminates our path as we traverse the unlikely journey of human emotion.

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