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  • Crystal Therapy

  • Naturopathy

  • Reflexology

  • QTH - Quantum Transcendental Harmonization

  • Sound Bath



  • Tarot Reading

  • Numerology

  • Color Tests

  • Purification Rituals

  • Guided visualizations

  • Auspicious Rituals

  • Talismans


Gian Carlo 

  • QTH - Quantum Transcendental Harmonization

  • Intuitive Psychic Reading

  • Aura Reading

  • Rune Reading

  • Sound Bath with Shamanic Music

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  • Tarot Reading

  • Family Constellations

  • Coffee cup reading

  • Rune Reading

  • Individual / Space Cleansing

  • Counseling Session

  • Rituals

  • Pranotherapy

  • Reiki



  • Vinyasa Yoga

  • Meditation

  • Sound Bath

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  • Natal Chart Reading

  • Annual Sky Reading

  • Monthly Sky Reading

  • Couple Synastry

  • Solar Revolution

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  • Emotional Painting

  • Group Interactive Painting

  • Custom Commissioned Paintings



The iris speaks.

Above all, it speaks of our personality, our true Self, which is different for each of us because our present is derived from our unique past.

An iridological analysis is a profound journey of self-discovery that allows you to connect with your inner world and your uniqueness. It also helps you improve yourself and your relationship with the environment around you.

Through the iris, you can discover who you are, and what you truly need, and receive guidance for a healthier and more balanced lifestyle, for a more harmonious relationship with your living environment.

The result will be a restored physical, psycho-emotional, and relational well-being.


holistic disciplines


Sound Bathing with Tibetan Bells is an energy-balancing technique that use the sound vibrations produced by these ancient instruments from the thousand-year-old Tibetan tradition.

The effects on a person's physical body and energy are profound relaxation, energy revitalization, and often a profound connection with the inner self.

The skillful use of various bells, each producing distinct notes, activates all Chakras, resulting in prolonged well-being. The mind and heart readily respond to the resonance of these ancient and primal sounds.

Especially moving is the immersive experience inside the large bell, where the recipient undergoes the treatment.



The meaning generally attributed to Astrology is limited compared to its true potential.

The moon influences the seas, tides, and life cycles; why shouldn't it partially influence our lives?

Professional astrology can provide important insights into one's psychological, emotional, physical, and environmental aspects.

It anticipates the challenges one may face and highlights the opportunities that lie ahead. Ultimately, it's up to the individual to take advantage of the insights offered by astrology to create their own destiny.

Serious and professional astrology is, therefore, a powerful tool for self-discovery, making informed choices, and navigating one's future.

Grafico natale di scrittura astrologo



Stones and crystals possess a unique life energy that is transmitted and released to those who touch or wear them.

Physical studies have highlighted and established that everybody, organism, and material possesses its own energy field.

Presumably, therefore, any natural phenomenon is accompanied by the emission or absorption of energy in the form of light, heat, or frequencies.

As for crystals, they have the ability to absorb and transform light into the range of infrared, radiation, and microwaves.

Crystal therapy is a perfectly energetic therapeutic method in which gemstones and crystals influence the aura by removing energy blocks and bringing new information and qualities to develop higher states of consciousness.



The fundamental principle of cartomancy, practiced with every deck, is based on an alchemical motto: 'As above, so below,' with 'above' referring to the tremendous metaphysical universe and 'below' representing the physical reality of the world around us.

In reality, popular cartomancy doesn't delve into these philosophical aspects. Generally, it relies on the intuition of the 'reader,' who formulates more or less complex sentences based on the question initially posed by the seeker and the cards they have drawn after a ritual shuffling of the deck.

Tarocchi _ Cristalli
Pietre Psichiche



The term "Rune" derives from the Old Norse word "run-," which means "secret, whisper," alluding to the fact that Runes whisper "secrets" to our hearts and reveal visions to us.

Runes are indeed used as a tool for divination to answer our questions.

The moment of reading the Runes should be a meditative time, a profound connection with the divine within us.

By consulting the Runes, we are engaging in a dialogue with the most sacred and ancient part that resides within ourselves, the part that already knows everything and is connected to the wisdom of the Cosmos.



This experience will be ongoing throughout the evening, where guests will have the opportunity to paint their strokes with the artist's assistance and thus participate in the creation of the artwork.


An introspective journey filled with colors, eyes, souls, awareness, and the desire to venture together into the uncharted depths of each one of us.

Often, we settle on the surface out of fear of what we might discover in the depths.

Let's take that first step into the unknown together and see what happens.

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Vania Calabri




Shibari is an ancient form of Japanese artistic bondage, achieved by wrapping the body with ropes made of hemp, jute, or linen. What sets Shibari apart is the use of specific kata (forms) and aesthetic rules: the patterns in which the rope is applied and the positioning of the other person through twists and knots at strategic anatomical points are crucial, as they hold SYMBOLIC and COMMUNICATIVE VALUE.

Today, Shibari represents a form of sensual artistic expression and self-care. It doesn't rely on sexual tension but involves an intimate physical and mental exchange.

The practice can operate at levels that contribute to INCREASING MIND-BODY AWARENESS and STIMULATING CREATIVITY and EQUANIMITY.



The Handpan is the most modern instrument, despite its appearance resembling something ancient.

Handpan means 'pan played by hand.'

There are various types of Handpans, developed from the original instrument invented in Switzerland in the 2000s.

Its sound EVOKES OTHERWORLDLY MELODIES precisely because its tuning is 432Hz, also known as the Golden Tuning:

the frequency of nature.

This instrument has the ability to guide your intuition, creating a deep and REGENERATIVE inner experience.

Tartare di salmone



Our alchemical catering service is a unique gastronomic experience that will take you on a journey through the senses and time.

We are passionate about creating dishes that not only satisfy your palate but also transport you to a world of extraordinary flavors and aromas.

Our culinary wizards blend fresh, high-quality ingredients to craft gastronomic wonders.

Each bite is designed to heighten your senses and transport you to distant places while delighting you with flavors that evoke memories and emotions.

Nourishing yourself with our alchemical catering is an experience that goes beyond mere eating; it's a sensory journey that will connect you with the magic of gastronomy.

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